Considerate Contracting during the Coronavirus outbreak

We Are Working

Our Hygienic Install Teams are working hard and we are prioritising installs daily. New virtual surveys, online quotes, next day delivery and of course our expert help, are all currently available.

Online Store

We are working hard to deliver business as normal with full stocks and great communication. Contractor and bulk discounts, Build Helper to calculate product requirements and much more!

Our Knowledge Section

If you need to know more about any of our products or services, start here and get what you need. We have also begun to specialise in Infection Control areas, find out more here.

Considerate Contracting during Covid-19

Hycom will remain critically aware of the following for our own staff, and require our contractors and customers to do the same to ensure ongoing prioritised deliveries and installs may continue;

Hycom Covid-19 Health & Contact Operational Guidelines


Any contractor or freelancer that has symptoms of a cold or the flu should stay home and seek medical guidance.


Contractors who have come in contact with someone who has or is suspected of having COVID-19 should not be booked to work in any Hycom contracted works or supply chain for a 14-day period. Contractors should seek medical guidance to confirm that they do not have COVID-19 before being scheduled to work on Hycom contracted sites and supply chains.


We also encourage you to take your own precautions and now require the following:

  • No handshaking or other physical greetings
  • Wash your hands frequently and maintain good personal hygiene
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing
  • Avoid touching your face, mouth, and eyes

Our Commitment To You

Covid-19 & Ongoing Practices;

Hycom are committed to the health and safety of all our staff and customers, and as both experienced hospital contractors and a caring family business we are especially aware what that means for all of us right now. We send our best wishes to you, your colleagues and your families for continued good health.

We are maintaining full capacity, with our office staff fully connected; both to you and each other, with our digital phone system (in use since 2008) and our connected online software, with one lead person at HQ each day. Deliveries remain active with next day still possible, and our install teams are working on prioritised works which we are scheduling daily, so please get in touch.

In our promotion of social distancing we have now introduced Remote Surveys; making use of online software to facilitate important works and further compliment our online quoting system. We have linked Zoom video conferencing software and WhatsApp to our CRM, so can take all your videos, photos and drawings instantly to our online quotation system.

We are promoting social distancing and utmost hygiene across all our activities.

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